COVID-19 Parish Signs

Prayer Cards for the Canonization of Cardinal John Henry Newman

Celebrate the Canonization of Cardinal Newman

Order by September 15. You will receive delivery by October 1.

Custom painting is an original piece painted out of gratitude by Deacon Jack Sullivan, who was healed through the intercession of Cardinal Newman, leading to Newman’s Beatification.

Traditional Painting Prayer card

3″ x 5″ Prayer Card

250 for $45
500 for $60
1000 for $75
2000 for $125
2500 for $160
5000 for $195

Custom Painting Prayer Card

3″ x 5″ Prayer Card

250 for $45
500 for $60
1000 for $75
2000 for $125
2500 for $160
5000 for $195

Traditional Painting Bookmark

8.5″ x 2.75″ Bookmark

250 for $65
500 for $75
1000 for $95
2000 for $165
2500 for $185
5000 for $265

Custom Painting Bookmark

8.5″ x 2.75″ Bookmark

250 for $65
500 for $75
1000 for $95
2000 for $165
2500 for $185
5000 for $265

Feast of the Assumption Prayer Cards

Pope Paul VI and Romero Prayer Cards and Bookmarks

Solemnity of All Saints Prayer Cards

Roman Missal Cards

Need additional new Roman Missal pew cards?
Replace those worn and dog-eared cards today!

Square Corner Roman Missal Cards
(6 x 9)
250 Cards – $175
500 Cards – $200
1,000 Cards – $225

Rounded Corner Roman Missal Cards
(6.5 x 9.5)
1,000 Cards – $325
2,500 Cards – $475

Consider placing group orders with other Parishes!

Call Now 617-779-3777 or

Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Cards and Banners

Our Lady of Fatima prayer cards

Divine Mercy Prayer Cards

Our Lady of Boston Prayer Cards

Customized Christmas Cards